Senin, 20 Juli 2020

How To Get Viral Youtube

YouTube is used for promotion, branding, or making money from advertisements as well as websites. High traffic on the video and the appearance of advertisements will be converted into revenue and can be taken regularly. If the video has a high view, earnings also follow. That's why you have to do SEO YouTube optimization.
YouTube SEO is an optimization step from videos that you create and upload on YouTube. The main purpose of this optimization is to make the video more accessible to the public. With certain keywords, the video can appear in the top position.
YouTube is a search engine as well as Google. Whatever is in the database can be found with certain keywords. Because this concept is the same as SEO website, video also needs optimization such as providing keywords, tags, or others.
If you can optimize videos by applying SEO techniques, videos can be more easily found on the platform. In addition, videos can also appear in searches on YouTube given that this platform is also owned by Google. You can see more detailed information about YouTube SEO guidelines in the next review.

In the YouTube SEO guide you also know the name of a keyword. Similar to the content on the website, you place keywords with a certain density starting from the main keywords, derivatives, to synonyms or LSI.
The keywords on YouTube will determine the position of the content that you create. For example the keyword "how to make sambal". This keyword certainly has great competition. Those who have more viewers and bigger followers will be ranked at the top.
If you want to maximize video content that has already been or will be published, see the keyword research guide below.
If you want to dive into the world of YouTube professionally, the thing to think about first is the niche or theme that you are good at. For example, you will create a niche with automotive themes, keywords can be around the car, reviews, and trials. Conversely, if the niche about travel, keywords related to the destination can be given.


These keywords are important to attract a lot of new viewers if your YouTube page is still fairly new. If it's long and has a large fan base, uploading just one video can be trending. However, if you are a beginner, you have to work smart by maximizing keywords.
Use features like Google Trends to see the types of keywords being targeted and their derived phrases. With this tool you will know how much or how strong the competition is. Then you will also see the number of times that keyword is searched every month. From this benchmark you create structured content.
Look at the trends tab on YouTube. At certain periods the number one video onwards has the same theme. For example about a review of a case that is in excitement or there is a shocking incident. From there you can see that YouTube also applies trends and from that trend you can wash a lot of viewers.

There are two ways to see trends that occur on YouTube. First of the autocomplete features in the search field. The second is to immediately see the trends tab and coupled with seeing Google Trends. Sometimes what is stirred up on social media and also familiar with online news can also be picked up.
So, make a video or collect various information and images so that the video is not done carelessly. You might be able to create its own trends from what was made. However, you can also take advantage of this trend to increase the number of viewers quickly.
Around 20-40% of traffic coming to YouTube comes from organic search on Google. Since the search portion from there is quite large, you are also advised to gather keywords that are widely used and in accordance with the niche that you are developing.
With the right keywords and also additional trends that are happening, optimization can be done more easily. However, the original content must still be made so that the YouTube channel that you create does not appear to be copycat or just imitating it.
Just like Google, the YouTube algorithm is also complex and changes frequently. With the same keywords, your video could be on the umpteenth search page and have others at the top of the list.
In YouTube search, the video above is the video that is considered the most relevant to the keyword or relevant. Well, before doing various optimizations start by doing keyword research, it helps you know the types of videos that YouTube likes, the following is complete.
The quality of editing also determines whether the video will rank high or even sink below. If video editing techniques are still bad, getting many viewers will be difficult unless the content inside triggers a viral and many people are curious to see it.
Creating original content is important even if it's quite difficult. If you do plagiarism, YouTube will know that. Moreover

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020

video suara burung kenari gacor ngerol

Kenari merupakan burung pengicau berukuran kecil, jika diukur dari ujung paruh hingga ujung ekor panjangnya hanya sekitar 17 cm. Burung ini ditemukan pada abad ke-15 di pulau Canary oleh Jean de Berthan Cout, seorang pelaut dari Perancis. Burung kenari sangat populer dikalangan kicaumania, selain sebagai burung lomba kenari juga kerap dijadikan sebagai burung masteran. Bahkan burung kenari terkenal sebagai burung masteran dasar (karena banyak burung berkualitas bagus yang dimasterakan dengan kenari).
Kenari memiliki suara yang khas dan sangat menarik, suara rentetan dari kenari biasanya disebut dengan ngerol. Banyak kicaumania yang terpikat ketika mendengarkan suara kenari ngerol. Burung kenari yang jago berkicau atau memiliki kicau yang panjang dan merdu biasanya kenari jantan. Untuk yang betina sangat jarang, walau terkadang ada. Sejak ditemukanya, burung kenari sudah mengalami berbagai perkawinan silang, hingga kini kita bisa menemukan berbagai jenis burung kenari dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Dan berikut ini 15 jenis burung kenari yang populer.
Jenis Burung Kenari :
  • Kenari American Singer
  • Belgian Fancy Canary
  • Border Fancy Canary
  • Color Bred Canary
  • Crested Canary
  • Fife Fancy Canary
  • Gloster Fancy Canary
  • Lizard Fancy Canary
  • Northern Dutch Frilled Canary
  • Norwich Canary
  • Parisian Frilled Canary
  • Red Factor Canary
  • Roller Canary
  • Spanish Tmbardo Canary
  • Stafford Canary

Video Suara Kicau Kenari

Rabu, 15 Juli 2020

Belajar Trading Forex Di Denpasar Bali


Bali Traders Academy fokus untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pembelajaran tentang dunia Forex dan Komoditi serta perkembangannya di Denpasar, Bali dengan gratis. Semua orang bisa mendaftar dan ikut dalam komunitas Trader Forex dengan tidak dibatasi oleh umur.
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Materi pembelajaran mencakup pengenalan dasar dunia Forex dan Komoditi, platform trading, alat bantu trading (indikator), robot trading dan copy trading serta strategi terbaru dalam trading Forex dan Komoditi. Peserta akan diberikan akun demo sehingga dapat langsung mempraktekkan ilmu yang sudah didapat dan konsultasi tentang posisi dan strategi yang cocok dengan tipe trading peserta. Belajar Forex dan Komoditi gratis di Bali Traders Academy.
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  • Jl. Teuku Umar No.188, Dauh Puri Kauh, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113
Kode Plus:
  • 86C3+5H Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali
Nomor Telpon:
  • +62818181121
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Senin, 13 Juli 2020

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Home Insurance | Byers Insurance Agency Inc - State Farm

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020

Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali

Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali 

Didirikan pada tahun 2000, PT. Monex Investindo Futures atau biasa disingkat MIFX adalah perusahaan pialang berjangka yang memfasilitasi perdagangan Forex dan Komoditas dengan volume transaksi terbesar di Indonesia.
Sebagai perusahaan yang beroperasi di bawah izin dan pengawasan Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI), MIFX selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan berstandar internasional dengan biaya yang kompetitif. Hingga saat ini, MIFX telah berhasil mendapatkan pengakuan dan penghargaan baik dari sisi kepatuhan terhadap hukum, kinerja keuangan, maupun prestasi lainnya.
Menjadi perusahaan pemimpin industri berjangka global.
- Menyediakan fasilitas transaksi terbaik, produk investasi beragam serta layanan informasi pasar keuangan terkini dan terpercaya.
- Berpartisipasi aktif dalam membangun industri berjangka yang transparan melalui program edukasi berkesinambungan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan profesional.
- Menjunjung tinggi tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dengan berkontribusi pada dunia pendidikan dan kemanusiaan, baik secara moral maupun materiil.

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Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali 

Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali
Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali 

  • Jl. Teuku Umar No.188, Dauh Puri Kauh, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113
Kode Plus:
  • 86C3+5H Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali
Nomor Telpon:
  • +62361223000
Listing Google Bisnisku:
Video Geotag Youtube:

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Trading Forex di Denpasar Bali | MIFX Bali 

Minggu, 05 Juli 2020

Bali Traders Academy - Pusat Pendidikan Forex Dan Komoditi Gratis di Denpasar, Bali

Bali Traders Academy - Pusat Pendidikan Forex Dan Komoditi Gratis di Denpasar, Bali

Pasar forex adalah pasar finansial terbesar di dunia, dengan volume perdagangan harian mencapai 6,6 triliun US Dollar. Selain itu pasar forex buka selama 24 jam per hari dalam 5 hari seminggu sehingga peluang profit selalu terbuka.
Trader forex dapat mencari peluang profit saat trend market sedang naik ataupun turun. Hal ini berbeda dengan investasi properti atau bisnis lain, di mana peluang profit hanya muncul ketika tren harga sedang naik.
Forex ditransaksikan oleh jutaan trader dan investor dari berbagai belahan dunia sehingga sulit dipermainkan dan membuat proses eksekusi jual-beli relatif lebih cepat dan mudah dilakukan jika dibandingkan dengan bisnis lain.

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  • Jl. Teuku Umar No.188, Dauh Puri Kauh, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80113

Kode Plus:
  • 86C3+5H Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali

Nomor Telpon:
  • +62818181121


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Listing Google Bisnisku:

Slideshow Images(Geotag Google Photos):

Bali Traders Academy - Pusat Pendidikan Forex Dan Komoditi Gratis di Denpasar, Bali